[Pile of Shame] GOLF
is a GAME that can be played by two or more miniature painters.
The object of the game is to have fun painting miniatures with your friends and to encourage each other to paint MORE miniatures than you BUY.
This game is based upon the game “backlog golf” by the video game collecting community
All painters begin the GOLF SEASON (an agreed upon period of time, usually weeks or months, sometimes even a year) with 0 POINTS.
The painter with the lowest amount of POINTS at the end of the GOLF SEASON wins!
One POINT is added to your SCORE when you GAIN (buy/trade/are gifted/etc.) a new, unpainted model.
One POINT is subtracted from your SCORE when you FINISH painting a model you already own.
One POINT is subtracted from your SCORE when you LOSE (sell, gift, or donate) a model you already own.
In addition to the golf rules outlined on this page, a certain amount of unwritten rules or ETIQUETTE is encouraged.
For instance, taking a season to buy as many MODELS as you like, or to start but not finish models, and then scoring all of them in the following season to achieve a higher score is generally considered POOR FORM and kind of a JERK MOVE.
SHAME GOLF (despite it’s silly name) is about supporting our fellow painters, having fun, encouraging each other to paint more, buy less, and not just about getting the highest score at all costs, so please keep this in mind when playing.
A MODEL is defined as any individual figure (including it's base) that functions as:
a standalone art piece
a standalone game piece
AND/OR a single freestanding terrain piece, regardless of size.
If you aren't sure if something counts as one MODEL, or more than one MODEL, simply ask yourself:
"is this a SINGULAR art piece/game piece, or MORE THAN ONE art piece/game piece"
and this should clear up most issues.
If you still aren't sure, consult your golf group, and a majority vote can resolve most conflicts.
A diorama is considered a single MODEL.
However, if figures are removable and have their own separate bases, each figure can be scored individually, and if the "diorama" functions as a piece of terrain without the figures, it can also be scored as one point.
Once again, it's about "does this function as an art piece/game piece on it's own. If the answer is yes, it counts as a single model.
For modular terrain kits, each freestanding modular terrain piece (able to be used as it's own game piece with nothing added) counts as it's own MODEL.
For instance, if you paint a torch that fits onto a modular dungeon tile, the torch might count as part of a tile you painted, but isn't it's own MODEL, as it's not "freestanding".
The same applies to a modular "WALL" that can't stand without being attached to a dungeon tile.
For scoring very modular kits, such as Dungeons & Lasers, it is recommended that you build all the parts into a number of small "rooms" that are more than 2 cubic inches in size, and score each of these "rooms" as a single MODEL
Points are SCORED when you physically GAIN a model, not necessarily when you purchase it.
For example, for preorders and crowdfunded projects, you must add the points to your score when you actually receive the models in the mail, and not when you spent the money
For STLs and 3D printed models, the points are SCORED when you print the model and it's ready for painting, not when you buy the STLs.
Failed prints don't add any points to your SCORE
A FINISHED model means the figure is done being painted, based, and varnished if you varnish your models. Once a model is finished, it is done forever, whatever that means to you.
It does not matter when you started painting a model, the emphasis here is on FINISHING, so if you started painting a model 3 years ago but you finish it within this season you can score the points now.
If you want to trade a model with someone in the GOLF GROUP, and it's a one model to one model trade, no points are gained or lost for either painter.
If it's an UNEVEN TRADE, lets say 2 models are being traded for 10 models, the basic rules for GIVING and GETTING models applies, so:
The painter that is losing 2 models and gaining 10 models adds 8 POINTS to their score
The painter that is losing 10 models and gaining 2 models subtracts 8 POINTS from their score
Commission painting should be treated as if you TEMPORARILY OWN the models
For example, if Kenny sends me 2 models to paint for him, 2 points are subtracted from his score, and 2 points are added to my score.
When I finish painting the models, I can subtract two models from my score, and when I SHIP the models to Kenny, I can subtract an additional two points from my score as per the basic rules for GIVING AWAY models.
The following rules are only applicable to those who are participating in the OFFICIAL LEAGUE on the Shame Golf Discord Server.
If you are playing in a league with your friends please feel free to pick and choose from these rules as you like, and, and come up with something everyone is happy with. At the end of the day, it's not about the competition, it's about motivating each other to BUY LESS, and PAINT MORE.
Official LEAGUE MINI SEASONS last 3 months long. There are 4 MINI SEASONS per year, each with their own SEASONAL BONUSES, and a winner is crowned at the end of each MINI SEASON.
In addition to this, all 4 scores from each player’s MINI SEASON are added up to comprise their overall score for the yearly MEGA SEASON, of which there is an overall winner.
For example:
If Dana’s final scores for her 4 mini seasons in 2021 were: -20, 10, -40, and 30, her MEGA SEASON score would be: (-20 +10 -40 +30) for a total of -20 points.
We are currently in the first MINI SEASON of 2022, also known as the WINTER SEASON, which started at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and will end at midnight on March 31st
In the official league, we have implemented "new release" penalties to encourage painters to paint things in their backlog instead of buying whatever the "newest, hottest model" is.
When you GET (buy/trade/are gifted/etc.) a new, unpainted model that has been "released" within the past 30 days, you must add TWO POINTS to your score instead of the typical ONE POINT
However, if you are able to FINISH painting this model within 30 days of RECIEVING IT, TWO POINTS are subtracted from your SCORE when you finish it instead of the typical ONE POINT
What counts as a "new release" model?
If it came out in the past 30 days, it counts as a NEW RELEASE model. The date of release is unique to each individual, and is generally accepted as the date it was released to the public and available for purchase.
NOTE: STL files and 3D printed miniatures are EXEMPT from the NEW RELEASE PENALTIES/BONUSES
Seasonal bonuses are extra points that can be gained by painting certain THEMED models during a season. These points can STACK with the bonuses from NEW RELEASE MODELS
If you FINISH painting a model that has a winter/cold weather, and/or winter holiday theme, you may SUBTRACT an additional point from your score. This can be as simple as having a snow base on your model, or as elaborate as painting an ICE ELEMENTAL.
If you aren't sure if your model should receive a SEASONAL BONUS, consult your friendgroup/discord server.
Sometimes we GET models that we don't intend to paint, perhaps these are models from a board game and we just want to play the game, not paint it, or perhaps we are just really into collecting models and keeping them sealed in box. Perhaps you receive a MODEL as a gift and you don't intend to paint it.
Whatever the case, if you don't intend on painting a model, you do not have to SCORE points for it. This model is added to your "SIDEBOARD" and doesn't count for points.
If at some point in the future, during this golf season or any other golf season, you CHANGE YOUR MIND and do decide to paint a model from your SIDEBOARD, it is treated in a similar way to a NEW RELEASE MODEL, except the penalty is higher.
When you WITHDRAW A MODEL FROM YOUR SIDEBOARD you must add THREE POINTS to your score instead of the typical ONE POINT
However, if you are able to FINISH painting this model within 30 days of WITHDRAWING IT FROM YOUR SIDEBOARD, THREE POINTS are subtracted from your SCORE when you finish it instead of the typical ONE POINT