My Favourite Paints & Hobby Supplies of 2024
So over the past few weeks I’ve been putting together a sort of “mega-review” of all the hobby products I used this year.
I’m compiling all of these thoughts into two videos for the channel, the first of which you can find right here, and the second of which you can find here, and I’ve also made a third video entirely about portable painting products and my portable painting setup here.
In the videos, I mention that you can check out the website for a reference document that explains my exact relationships with all of these companies, so here is a little chart I made explaining everything in more detail.
To elaborate further, with most products I try to buy review copies myself if I’m able to afford it, but when companies reach out to me, I offer three options:
If a company wants to put an ad in my video, I offer them a set rate of money that they can pay me in exchange for an ad in the middle of the video. The best example of this are my Squarespace ads.
This option works like the previous one, except it’s usually from a miniatures company, and they pay me a set rate in order to make a whole video about their product. In these cases, I tell the company, I reserve the right to give my honest opinions on the product in the video, and you see the video when it comes out just like everyone else. Generally for these sponsors I try and pick companies who I am already a fan of, or at least curious about the product.
The third option is for companies who don’t have the money for sponsorships, but still want to show me their product to see what I think of it.
I always tell companies, feel free to send me product samples/review copies, I’m always happy to take a look at new products, but I cannot guarantee the products will make it into a video unless you pick options one or two. If the product is interesting enough that I think it would make a good video topic, often these products do make it into videos, but it’s not an exchange of product for video, and I do my best to always disclose in the videos when a product has been received as a free review copy.
My relationship with the Army Painter is a little bit more complicated, as they have never sponsored a video on the channel, but they have hired me once back in 2022 on a one time basis as a consultant for their Speedpaint 2.0 line of paints.
If you watch videos on my channel from around that time, you can get the whole story of the development of those paints and my role in that.
Anyway, I hope this blog entry was helpful! If you have any questions feel free to let me know and I’ll do my best to add more to this document to clarify!